Matthew Maurer Matthew Maurer

Job Opportunity - Assistant Fire Chief

Term of Employment: Full-Time,
Continuing Rate of Pay: Out-of-Scope, Assistant Fire Chief Band
Location: Lloydminster Fire Stations, as assigned
Duties: Reporting to the Fire Chief, the Assistant Fire Chief is an integral part of the Lloydminster Fire Department’s management team and will manage and provide significant leadership, communication, administrative, technical, prevention, labour relations, and operational skills in the fire services. Assisting the Fire Chief with the overall organization, coordination, and operational direction of the Fire Department, the Assistant Fire Chief will ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Department, as well as compliance with municipal policies, bylaws, and the expectations of the community.

Click here to view the full details

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Michael Lapchuk Michael Lapchuk

WorkSafe Sask Firefighter Cancer Prevention Video Series

In the spring of 2020, WorkSafe Saskatchewan conducted a survey with 141 Saskatchewan firefighters. The survey focused on 26 firefighter cancer prevention items and found multiple gaps in the firefighter cancer preventive measures.

This project was created to fill in the gaps and reinforce preventive measures through an educational video. The full 31 video series can be viewed on or down below. The videos focus on three major areas:

  • firefighter cancer awareness

  • firefighter cancer prevention

  • firefighter cancer support

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PubEd Activity Book Donation

The Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs (SAFC) and the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) are pleased to announce their continued partnership to develop and distribute "Made in Saskatchewan" public education resources FREE for children throughout the province. Led by the SAFC Public Education Committee, the SAFC and the SPSA are working collaboratively to ensure that all fire services in the province have access to modern and relevant public education resource material. 


In order to make the most impact and reach as many children as possible, we are asking for your support. For this year's activity book, we are encouraging a minimum donation of $500 to help with the rising cost of producing the books. 


In addition to your donation, you will have the option to purchase extra copies for your department. Please let Shelley know if your department is interested in ordering additional copies by Friday, July 22, 2022. We want to keep the extra printing cost as low as possible.

Thank you to our 2023 Conference and Trade Show Sponsors
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